22 Clever Garage Sale Signs To Sell Your Stuff

Spring cleaning has arrived and you're ready to kick a few possession to the curb. Why not try to get a buck or two out of it in the process? Throw a few quick signs up, a price tag here and there and wait for the people to roll in. What if no one shows? Apart from the bargain hunters and seasoned yard-salers, you're just not getting the attention you had hoped for. It could all come down to your marketing! Try what these people did and use a clever sign to bring home the big money. 

1. Cause we fancy like that.

2. It looks like one of those cheap guy's girlfriends.

3. Probably not but let's check it out.

4.  Tell me more about this 'crap'.

5. Just like him.

6. I can tell you that this crap is awesome.

. Went for the minimalist look, heard it's in these days.

8. Shocker -_-

9. No sale, just want to show off my garage, head this way!

10. Hey girl...

11. LOL Fabio.

12. Here in the future, nothing is free.

13. I'm sorry but Beyonce had the best garage sale of all time.

14. Just buy it all okay? Or we rage.

15. "Free beer for the broken hearted" Oh :(

16. I'd like to by a vowel, wait, wrong game.

17. You'll thave a bundle!

18. "No I'm batman" I'm batman, batman sounds like this.

19. Thrifty, thrifty, thriftay.

20. Well boo to them, ooh chips!

21. 'merica

22. Ugh...

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