Chinese Artist Builds Insane Mercedes Benz Replica Out Of Nothing But Bricks

It’s really true: anything from cellphones to cars can be imitated in China. And look what they created this  time — a Mercedes-Benz sports car!

Oh. And it’s made out of bricks.

Dai Yun, an artist from Xi’an in north-west China  made a life-size Mercedes-Benz car using red brick, cement and, steel. His only guide was a colored photograph of the luxury car.

It looks way too convincing from afar.

For a passerby, it might look like a rusty car sitting on a parking lot. But they’d surely look twice if they knew it was a sculpture worth a whopping  600,000 Yuan.

Even the license plate is legit.

Dai Yun was commissioned to make this brick-and-mortar sculpture for the Red Town Creative Park in Shanghai, China. He was asked to make a detailed copy of the car from its insignia down to the legal license plate.

That’s some hardcore bumper, indeed.

 This elaborate artwork weighs around 6.5 tons. If you think you’ve seen it all, wait until you see the car’s “interiors”. The driver’s chair, passenger seats, steering wheel, gears, and dashboard also have the same elaborate details — and you can even sit inside.
Would you  want to drive this brick car with a hefty price tag around the ‘hood? Well . . . if it has the same “rock-solid” performance of a real Mercedes-Benz, why not?

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